Of online social networks in RL and 'Foot in Mouth' Sydrome...
Okay. First: Free Starbucks Coffee! My mother makes sushi and she befriended the local Starbucks barista. They have a nice trade going on where my mom makes sushi for her for lunch and then the barista makes her yummy Caramel Macchiatos. Today she made me one too! It was awesome.
Anyway, during breakfast at Sewall last friday I was sitting next to 2 quite talkative girls. It was 9 in the morning. I was mucho grumpy. But anyway, here I was, innocently eating my bacon, and they started talking in depth about their connections on facebook. Ditto to Jessica's post about talking about online social networks in real life: lame lame and double lame. I mean you'd think there were more interesting topics in this world with more than 6 billion people. But no. "So Trevor friended me!" "Omigawd! Seriously? He is so cute! Did you write on his Wall?" "No, I didn't want him to think I was a crazy stalker." "That's true, waiting for him to make the first move is smart." I was sniggering into my bagel at this point.
In my International Affairs recitation, I pretty much had an epic phail movement. Yes, it was such a fail that it requires misspelling. It was the first time I'd spoken in the recitation because everyone in there steals my insightful comments. But it was 8 in the morning and you know how that goes. I was attempting to talk about Pakistan's partiality in using their US aid to catch terrorists in Waziristan and FATA but to my horror, when I opened my mouth, I could not phrase anything. My speech turned into little cut-up nouns and adjectives such as "Al-Qaeda people" and "Taliban actors" and "using aid in an unequal way." My mouth was just not moving the way my brain had been trained to make it do so for the past 18 years. Sad. 'Foot-in-mouth' syndrome reallys sucks butt.Anyway, I went home this weekend and it was quite delightful. My mother made squid! I love squid! Woot! It was pretty much awesome. I was attempting to do all my horrible papers and study for my horrible midterms (3 midterms and 3 papers due the SAME DAY-URGH!) but it slightly failed. To-do list euphoria is fading off.
"Don't fool yourself that important things can be put off till tomorrow; they can be put off forever, or not at all." ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960
OMG lucky!! I want free Starbucks lol
haha I know, talking about facebook in RL is just sad...
I'm bummed we didn't get to hang out earlier today :(
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