Of New Posts and Pointless Meetings...

Feb 12

Okay, okay - I've finally acquiesced to writing a post on my blog, due to immense peer pressure from J and H. This blog will be dedicated to my inspiration in fashion, interior design, architecture, organization, etc. Woot! Dream bookcase shelf to the left <-------

So right now, I'm watching the Office! Yay. I watch an insane amount of TV shows, someone needs to stop me. It's slightly horrible but TV is so addicting even if the TV shows actually suck.

I'm currently addicted (like J) to the LJ community organizers - anyone who reads this should really go check it out, it is absolutely amazing. Due to the inspiration on that site, I've been very dedicated to keeping my life and planner organized and am now doing homework due the week after next.

Technology Detox Week is working out really well! It is sort of weird to not just surf the web when I'm tired of doing homework - instead I just sit and wait until I can focus again which actually surprisingly only takes a few minutes. I think I might just personally extend this little limited-internet process for a few more weeks :)

Ugh, one of my meetings today was totally pointless. We played 'competitive' hangman for fifteen minutes and then left. Seriously. What kind of leadership is that?

I am so hungry! I just keep getting the craving for snacks and sweets and yumminess. I promise to update more pretty pictures and impressive quotes.



jessssika said...

Yay!!!! You finally posted :D
haha I think I like decorating my planner more than actually being organized >.>

Heidi Obermeyer said...

I love that you hate meanie butts. hehehe!

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