Of eavesdropping and Love Actually...

Feb 16

Don't you just love eavesdropping on really petty or stupid people's conversations or phone rantings? I feel so horrible for the people on the receiving end who have to listen to endless and most likely useless words flowing from peoples' mouths. For example, today on the crowded Buff Bus, a girl wearing about an inch of makeup and a really low-cut shirt was blabbing to her mother about her housing situation for next year where apparently the guy roommate invited another girl who was "the only person I would ever hate in the whole world (Mommy, you know how nice I am to everyone)" and next semester was going to be end of the world as we know it. In a few seconds, she transformed the circumstances into a "learning" experience. "I'll have to learn to live with people I hate, I mean when I get a job later and I hate a coworker, I'll have to learn to live with that, I mean I can't have everything I want, can I? I just have to learn to live with people I hate." Ugh. Get over it. At least you'll have a house and food and ridiculously ugly sunglasses to hide the pound of mascara on your eye lashes.

Meanwhile, the girl behind me (also with an extremely low-cut shirt; what is with that? It's winter for Pete's sake) was telling a guy sitting next to her that if he didn't call her every two weeks over the summer then she would totally ignore him next year and they would not be friends, period. The poor guy was saying that he probably wouldn't call her because they didn't talk a lot anyway but the girl kept insisting that if he didn't they would not be friends anymore. Then they began discussing how smoking pot should be a shared experience with friends and if people didn't share they were selfish and stupid. Then it somehow morphed into the girl's story of how high school homecoming was the most important event in her town. Then the girl began telling the guy about every one of her friends and what his opinion would be on every single one of them. What is with conversation these days? Are people incapable of talking about anything even a little bit interesting? Or at least shush themselves so as not to pester the innocent bystanders around them?

As I was coming off the bus, a wave of about 4 different perfumes assaulted my nasal passage at once. It was horrible. Why do people have to wear so much perfume? Do people always have step on other peoples' toes with their perfume and conversations and movements? I am very frustrated. Poo.

Anyway, yesterday M and Sp and J and I went and ate at Old Chicago's. Because we are extremely lucky (cough sarcasm cough) people from our floor were sitting like three tables away. If you couldn't tell, J and I despise a lot of kids on our floor. We have heard horror stories from E about turning desks into liquor bars and bathroom stalls into sex havens. Ew. Ew. And more Ew.

Then we went to Boulder Baked for amazing cookies. Sp and I had the yummiest warm gooey chocolate chip explosion cookies while J and M had White Macadamia Nut cookies. I don't like white macadamia nut cookies. I don't like nuts - people-wise and food-wise.

It was freezing while waiting for the bus, it's a miracle I'm not sick or sniffly! Then J and I got Love Actually which is one of my favorite movies ever. It's just so well put together :) I have it only my iPod so I whip it out whenever I'm depressed about the state of humanity.

I am in love... with design!
Inspirational Picture Of the Day = IPOD!! Woot.
I love the mismatched chairs, zany framed pictures, and gorgeous curtains. Love love love.

Inspirational Quote Of the Day
IQOD!! Woot x 2.

"Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living."

— Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
- S


jessssika said...

wow.. words can't even describe the stuff you heard on the bus lol but that's why you wear headphones on the bus :)
hey, those white chocolate macadamia nut cookies were AMAZING thank you very much, don't be hatin

Heidi Obermeyer said...

Susa you are the best writer ever. Go write my blog for me. and I love the xtremely loud/incred close quote. :) heck yes!

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