Of Boondock Saints and "you know what I'm talking about "...

Feb 18

Today, in Chinese class, D talked about how difficult it was to find a job and it just got us all depressed. I mean, he's majoring in Int'l Affairs (same as me) and even applied to Interpol for a job. My Chinese teacher was naive enough to think that just because we get good grades we'll all get well-paying, admirable jobs. Someone more realistic informed her that people at Harvard and Yale also get good grades. I have silly dreams about being rich and happy and motivated in my career - and sometimes I even believe these aspirations will come true (like that little superstition at 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, and 5:55 where if you make a wish at those times then the wish will come true?) - but how realistic is this? What if I fail at life and have to live in a shack in the middle of Wyoming? Ew.

Anyway, then I went into Philosophy and our professor's fly was unzipped. No comment.

In writing, we went into intense detail about every aspect of Zora Neale Hurston's unlabeled gravesite. Hurston is a very amusing - that is one thing that my writing teacher cannot boast.

Moving on, in Macroeconomics, the true ignorance of many teenagers was revealed to light. In a shocking enlightenment, my professor revealed that Y - .65Y is in fact .35Y. We promptly spent another 5 minutes debating that undebatable fact. Is basic algebra not taught in schools anymore? I cry for the fate of humanity.

Econ Recitation was cancelled after I wasted another 2 hours on campus. It's a good thing I noticed the inconspicuous sign on the door or we would have been sitting in there for another twenty minutes, cursing barely fluent South Korean recitation leaders. Not that I'm being racist, but wouldn't it improve the university as a whole and the minimal standard of education if students could understand what was being taught?

Boondock Saints rocks my socks. It's like Crime and Punishment on crack. And way more awesome. "Why don't you make like a tree and get the f*** outta here?" - Doc

Lately, I have heard the phrase, "you know what I'm talking about?", innumerable times from all kinds of people. Direct quotes: "I was trying to bake muffins yesterday, and I cracked the eggs, you know what I'm talking about?" "I seriously hate him, like abhor him, you know what I'm talking about?" (I bet you were trying to sound smart by saying 'abhor') "You know what I'm talking about, when you forget breakfast and then you accidentally miss lunch?" Uh, yeah. I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about.

Quite charming, those cute mismatched chairs. And how they're all painted black (hehe, Guitar Hero referral for J) is just extremely adorable.



jessssika said...

YAY for the guitar hero reference! :)
Omg boondock saints is seriously one of the best movies EVER. I can't believe they're making the 2nd one lol

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