Of fake community service and potential thieves...

Feb 25

Today was extremely long, extremely dry, and extremely eventful in terms of eavesdropping.

After brain-numbing Philosophy and Writing, Econ just made me cry. When people in your college classes don't know how to do basic math, it is a sad, sad day. Anyway, I went to Cheyho for an absolutely delicious lunch consisting of a tuna sandwich, vanilla ice cream, and apple juice, my ears were attacked by malicious, possibly legitimately dead-in-the-head girls.

One girl, who was stupid enough to get an MIP, was assigned to 5 minimal hours of 'community service.' When she reported to the UMC to do this so-called community service, she found she only had to scoop cookie dough in the bakery for a few hours. That is RIDICULOUS. It just inflames my hatred for human uselessness. What is with the lack of student control in this school? If people deliberately go against the rules and the law and are assigned to a minimal amount of community service, they should actually be doing service to make up for their violations. Anything would suffice: picking up trash by the roads, cleaning tables, even repenting for their transgressions by posting anti-alcohol campaign posters. But scooping cookie dough onto little platters for the oven? How does that in any way serve the purpose of community service and as a punishment for crossing the line? Sometimes, just for the sake of stupid people, I wish that this was Singapore and women could be caned. Sigh.

Then, this ridiculous group of squawking girls began asking each other if women could be pedophiles. When one of the less cotton-headed girls answered that yes, this was in fact possible, another girl asked if little boys could, and I quote, 'get it up.' We were in a freaking eating area. I was so scarred. Then another girl piped up that yes, this in fact was possible as well, for one of the boys she BABY-SAT touched himself. Um... ew. I am beyond scarred at this point.

Then when I went to the library, I picked a nice little desk stall thing to myself and set my bag down and set off to go to the bathroom because there was a girl next to the stall so I thought my bag was safe. I went to the bathroom, came back, saw my bag was safe, and sat on one of the public computers near my desk stall to do some research. I'd noticed that the girl previously sitting by my belongings had left and my stuff was unguarded by still relatively safe as I was doing research about 8 feet away. Out of the corner of my eye, in this packed student work area, a short greasy-haired guy moved directly towards my bag and then paused directly in front of my desk stall when I swung my head to stare casually at him. At this point, he was hovering over my bag when the area around my stuff was empty. He caught my eye, stood still, and then walked back to his table about 20 feet in the other direction. He then kept glancing back at me every few minutes. Ladies and gentlemen (or just ladies), I successfully thwarted this guy's pathetic attempt to steal my laptop, iPod, Milky Way bar, and tissues. Do I have good observation skills or what? Jeez, I really wish that he'd begun to open my bag so that I could have tapped him on the shoulder and asked him if he could hand me my pencil case. Haha. That would have been so epic.

Anyway, then on the bus when I was listening to Ratatat awesome techno on full volume, a girl's high-pitched penetrating voice still managed to reach my ears. She was blabbing on a nearly full bus about her friend's taste in boys compared to that of hers. "She said that she would never date Ian in a million years because he was so not cute and so ugly, and then I said that I wouldn't touch Ricky with a 100-foot-pole, I mean he's f****** Mexican -" At this point I was pretty much staring at her open-mouthed and I'm pretty sure a really offended Hispanic girl sitting across from her was staring daggers at her. Um... politically incorrect, anyone?

Where do people on this campus come from? And where did they accumulate their awful social skills? I am shocked at the state of a lot of the human race. Oh well, back to researching caning of young American car-vandals in Singapore.

IPOD: What a beautiful white Chesterfield couch! It's perfect for a light loft on Chicago or San Francisco. Yay for cleanliness!


Of online social networks in RL and 'Foot in Mouth' Sydrome...

Feb 22

Okay. First: Free Starbucks Coffee! My mother makes sushi and she befriended the local Starbucks barista. They have a nice trade going on where my mom makes sushi for her for lunch and then the barista makes her yummy Caramel Macchiatos. Today she made me one too! It was awesome.

Anyway, during breakfast at Sewall last friday I was sitting next to 2 quite talkative girls. It was 9 in the morning. I was mucho grumpy. But anyway, here I was, innocently eating my bacon, and they started talking in depth about their connections on facebook. Ditto to Jessica's post about talking about online social networks in real life: lame lame and double lame. I mean you'd think there were more interesting topics in this world with more than 6 billion people. But no. "So Trevor friended me!" "Omigawd! Seriously? He is so cute! Did you write on his Wall?" "No, I didn't want him to think I was a crazy stalker." "That's true, waiting for him to make the first move is smart." I was sniggering into my bagel at this point.

In my International Affairs recitation, I pretty much had an epic phail movement. Yes, it was such a fail that it requires misspelling. It was the first time I'd spoken in the recitation because everyone in there steals my insightful comments. But it was 8 in the morning and you know how that goes. I was attempting to talk about Pakistan's partiality in using their US aid to catch terrorists in Waziristan and FATA but to my horror, when I opened my mouth, I could not phrase anything. My speech turned into little cut-up nouns and adjectives such as "Al-Qaeda people" and "Taliban actors" and "using aid in an unequal way." My mouth was just not moving the way my brain had been trained to make it do so for the past 18 years. Sad. 'Foot-in-mouth' syndrome reallys sucks butt.

Anyway, I went home this weekend and it was quite delightful. My mother made squid! I love squid! Woot! It was pretty much awesome. I was attempting to do all my horrible papers and study for my horrible midterms (3 midterms and 3 papers due the SAME DAY-URGH!) but it slightly failed. To-do list euphoria is fading off.

"Don't fool yourself that important things can be put off till tomorrow; they can be put off forever, or not at all." ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960


Of Boondock Saints and "you know what I'm talking about "...

Feb 18

Today, in Chinese class, D talked about how difficult it was to find a job and it just got us all depressed. I mean, he's majoring in Int'l Affairs (same as me) and even applied to Interpol for a job. My Chinese teacher was naive enough to think that just because we get good grades we'll all get well-paying, admirable jobs. Someone more realistic informed her that people at Harvard and Yale also get good grades. I have silly dreams about being rich and happy and motivated in my career - and sometimes I even believe these aspirations will come true (like that little superstition at 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, and 5:55 where if you make a wish at those times then the wish will come true?) - but how realistic is this? What if I fail at life and have to live in a shack in the middle of Wyoming? Ew.

Anyway, then I went into Philosophy and our professor's fly was unzipped. No comment.

In writing, we went into intense detail about every aspect of Zora Neale Hurston's unlabeled gravesite. Hurston is a very amusing - that is one thing that my writing teacher cannot boast.

Moving on, in Macroeconomics, the true ignorance of many teenagers was revealed to light. In a shocking enlightenment, my professor revealed that Y - .65Y is in fact .35Y. We promptly spent another 5 minutes debating that undebatable fact. Is basic algebra not taught in schools anymore? I cry for the fate of humanity.

Econ Recitation was cancelled after I wasted another 2 hours on campus. It's a good thing I noticed the inconspicuous sign on the door or we would have been sitting in there for another twenty minutes, cursing barely fluent South Korean recitation leaders. Not that I'm being racist, but wouldn't it improve the university as a whole and the minimal standard of education if students could understand what was being taught?

Boondock Saints rocks my socks. It's like Crime and Punishment on crack. And way more awesome. "Why don't you make like a tree and get the f*** outta here?" - Doc

Lately, I have heard the phrase, "you know what I'm talking about?", innumerable times from all kinds of people. Direct quotes: "I was trying to bake muffins yesterday, and I cracked the eggs, you know what I'm talking about?" "I seriously hate him, like abhor him, you know what I'm talking about?" (I bet you were trying to sound smart by saying 'abhor') "You know what I'm talking about, when you forget breakfast and then you accidentally miss lunch?" Uh, yeah. I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about.

Quite charming, those cute mismatched chairs. And how they're all painted black (hehe, Guitar Hero referral for J) is just extremely adorable.


Of eavesdropping and Love Actually...

Feb 16

Don't you just love eavesdropping on really petty or stupid people's conversations or phone rantings? I feel so horrible for the people on the receiving end who have to listen to endless and most likely useless words flowing from peoples' mouths. For example, today on the crowded Buff Bus, a girl wearing about an inch of makeup and a really low-cut shirt was blabbing to her mother about her housing situation for next year where apparently the guy roommate invited another girl who was "the only person I would ever hate in the whole world (Mommy, you know how nice I am to everyone)" and next semester was going to be end of the world as we know it. In a few seconds, she transformed the circumstances into a "learning" experience. "I'll have to learn to live with people I hate, I mean when I get a job later and I hate a coworker, I'll have to learn to live with that, I mean I can't have everything I want, can I? I just have to learn to live with people I hate." Ugh. Get over it. At least you'll have a house and food and ridiculously ugly sunglasses to hide the pound of mascara on your eye lashes.

Meanwhile, the girl behind me (also with an extremely low-cut shirt; what is with that? It's winter for Pete's sake) was telling a guy sitting next to her that if he didn't call her every two weeks over the summer then she would totally ignore him next year and they would not be friends, period. The poor guy was saying that he probably wouldn't call her because they didn't talk a lot anyway but the girl kept insisting that if he didn't they would not be friends anymore. Then they began discussing how smoking pot should be a shared experience with friends and if people didn't share they were selfish and stupid. Then it somehow morphed into the girl's story of how high school homecoming was the most important event in her town. Then the girl began telling the guy about every one of her friends and what his opinion would be on every single one of them. What is with conversation these days? Are people incapable of talking about anything even a little bit interesting? Or at least shush themselves so as not to pester the innocent bystanders around them?

As I was coming off the bus, a wave of about 4 different perfumes assaulted my nasal passage at once. It was horrible. Why do people have to wear so much perfume? Do people always have step on other peoples' toes with their perfume and conversations and movements? I am very frustrated. Poo.

Anyway, yesterday M and Sp and J and I went and ate at Old Chicago's. Because we are extremely lucky (cough sarcasm cough) people from our floor were sitting like three tables away. If you couldn't tell, J and I despise a lot of kids on our floor. We have heard horror stories from E about turning desks into liquor bars and bathroom stalls into sex havens. Ew. Ew. And more Ew.

Then we went to Boulder Baked for amazing cookies. Sp and I had the yummiest warm gooey chocolate chip explosion cookies while J and M had White Macadamia Nut cookies. I don't like white macadamia nut cookies. I don't like nuts - people-wise and food-wise.

It was freezing while waiting for the bus, it's a miracle I'm not sick or sniffly! Then J and I got Love Actually which is one of my favorite movies ever. It's just so well put together :) I have it only my iPod so I whip it out whenever I'm depressed about the state of humanity.

I am in love... with design!
Inspirational Picture Of the Day = IPOD!! Woot.
I love the mismatched chairs, zany framed pictures, and gorgeous curtains. Love love love.

Inspirational Quote Of the Day
IQOD!! Woot x 2.

"Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living."

— Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
- S

Of 300 and Stealing Guacamole...

Feb 13

Why did they never make the Incredibles 2? That is one of the greatest tragedies of Pixar/Disney. Sigh.

Today was pretty average. My Writing class and Phil & Soc class are slightly useless - dividing up property on an uninhabited island is not an issue. I really do not care.

During lunch, they served tacos! I <3 Tacos. J and I were quite excited about the guacamole so we came up with a very elaborate scheme to steal it. J got the cup. I got the guac and a knife. We strategically placed a napkin over the cup to cover the evidence. Then we left with the stolen guacamole. It was epic.

Anyway, later in the night we ate wonderful chips with the guac and we also rented Pixar Short Films and 300. Oh man. Pixar is a legend - the short films were so adorable! I love Jack Jack Attack, Geri's Game, Lifted, One Man Band, and For the Birds. So adorable.

Then we watched 300. Oh dear. It pretty much established Gerard Butler as the most warrior-like man to have ever lived. And ever guy in that movie had like a 20-pack. They were actually quite mesmerizing to look at, scientifically of course.

J is itching for Guitar Hero World Tour. I may be able to subdue her until Midnight when we wreak havoc on all technology after we are released from the bonds of Tech Detox Week.


Of New Posts and Pointless Meetings...

Feb 12

Okay, okay - I've finally acquiesced to writing a post on my blog, due to immense peer pressure from J and H. This blog will be dedicated to my inspiration in fashion, interior design, architecture, organization, etc. Woot! Dream bookcase shelf to the left <-------

So right now, I'm watching the Office! Yay. I watch an insane amount of TV shows, someone needs to stop me. It's slightly horrible but TV is so addicting even if the TV shows actually suck.

I'm currently addicted (like J) to the LJ community organizers - anyone who reads this should really go check it out, it is absolutely amazing. Due to the inspiration on that site, I've been very dedicated to keeping my life and planner organized and am now doing homework due the week after next.

Technology Detox Week is working out really well! It is sort of weird to not just surf the web when I'm tired of doing homework - instead I just sit and wait until I can focus again which actually surprisingly only takes a few minutes. I think I might just personally extend this little limited-internet process for a few more weeks :)

Ugh, one of my meetings today was totally pointless. We played 'competitive' hangman for fifteen minutes and then left. Seriously. What kind of leadership is that?

I am so hungry! I just keep getting the craving for snacks and sweets and yumminess. I promise to update more pretty pictures and impressive quotes.

